Hi! :) I saw you added several extremely short articles. While we appreciate any contributions, articles that are so short are not helpful. We strive to have at the very minimum one paragraph of text in each article. As you do not seem to master the Limburgish language and the topic you write about does not seem to particularily interest anyone of the community here, the articles will remain stubs with incorrect language. --OosWesThoesBes (euverlègk) 24 jul 2019 10:44 (CEST)Reageren

Dit is de euverlikpazjena veur 'ne anonieme gebroeker, dae nog gein account haet aangemak of dae 't neet gebroek. Daoveur gebroeke v'r 't IP adres om de gebroeker te identificere. Dat adres kint weure gedeild door versjeije gebroekers. As se 'ne anonieme gebroeker bis en de höbs 't geveul dat 'r onrelevante commentare aan dich gericht zint, kins se 't biste 'n account crëere of inlogge om toekomstige verwarring mit anger anoniem gebroekers te veurkómme.