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Graofsjappe vaan Californië
Ligking vaan Madera

Madera is e graofsjap in Californië. Madera is Spaons veur hout, aongezeen houtbedrief 'California Lumber Company' hei aktief waor. De hoofplaots vaan 't graofsjap is Madera Stad.



't Graofsjap heet 'n totaal oppervlak vaan 5577 km² (2153 mijl²) boevaan 5532 km² (2136 mijl²) land is en 45 km² (17 mijl²) of 0,81% water.

Aongrenzende graofsjappe




Volgens de census vaan 2000 bedroog de bevolkingsdiechheid 22/km² (58/mijl²) en bedroog 't totaol bevolkingsaontal 123.109 dat bestoont oet:

  • 62,23% blaank
  • 4,12% zwart
  • 2,61% inheimse Amerikane
  • 1,27% Aziate
  • 0,17% lui aofkomstig vaan eilande in de Stèllen Oceaan
  • 24,35% aandere
  • 5,25% twie of mie rasse
  • 44,28% Spaons of Latino

't Gaof 36.155 gezinne en 28.598 femilies in Madera County. De gemiddelde gezinsgruutte bedroog 3,18.



De twie belaankriekste plaotse vaan 't graofsjap zien:

Counties in Californië
Alameda CountyAlpine CountyAmador CountyButte CountyCalaveras CountyColusa CountyContra Costa CountyDel Norte CountyEl Dorado CountyFresno CountyGlenn CountyHumboldt CountyImperial CountyInyo CountyKern CountyKings CountyLake CountyLassen CountyLos Angeles CountyMadera CountyMarin CountyMariposa CountyMendocino CountyMerced CountyModoc CountyMono CountyMonterey CountyNapa CountyNevada CountyOrange CountyPlacer CountyPlumas CountyRiverside CountySacramento CountySan Benito CountySan Bernardino CountySan Diego CountySan FranciscoSan Joaquin CountySan Luis Obispo CountySan Mateo CountySanta Barbara CountySanta Clara CountySanta Cruz CountyShasta CountySierra CountySiskiyou CountySolano CountySonoma CountyStanislaus CountySutter CountyTehama CountyTrinity CountyTulare CountyTuolumne CountyVentura CountyYolo CountyYuba County
Aafkomstig van Wikipedia, de Vriej Encyclopedie. "https://li.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Madera_County&oldid=455944"