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Français : Papillon monarque (Danaus plexippus) sur une fleur du genre Zinnia. Photo prise dans la canton de Aston, en Pennsylvanie (USA).
Camera and Exposure Details: Camera: Nikon D50 Lens: Nikon Nikkor ED AF-S DX 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G Exposure:
55mm (82.5mm in 35mm equivalent) f/5.6 @ 1/125 s.
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Dit besjtand bevat extra gegaeves, waorsjienlik door de digitale camera of scanner biegevoog. Es 't oersjprunkelik besjtand aangepas is, kin 't zeen dat sómmige details neet mie bie 't gewiezigde plaetje hure.